Monday, September 24, 2012

Rookie parenting mistakes

Rookie parenting mistakes
All made by me, in the last week
10. Did the bedtime routine slightly different (God forbid)
9. Asked my toddler to hurry (God forbid)
8. Allowed my toddler to bring a bouncy ball into church during the homily (Holy sh*t)
7. Ate something my toddler had discarded ("Miiiiiiiiiiiiiine")
6. Left the Goodwill bag in plain site (baby toys are now sprawled throughout house)
5. Threatened a timeout in the middle of the night (lost cause)
4. Recycled my toddler's artwork, which he discovered and then demanded I clean up and rehang (woops)
3. Put healthy food on my toddler's plate besides white carbs and fruit (God forbid)
2. Brought my toddler to a meeting at work (did it. not proud of it. most stressful 60 minutes in my career.)
1. Bribed him to get in the car, that one time, using chocolate chips (Hard to go anywhere when I run out of chocolate chips).

Testing the water quality

Making art with nature

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A disorganized week

Truman picking out digger books at the library
Some weeks, our family is organized. The meals are planned. The schedule is clear.

But not this week. This week was all about frozen food, scrambling at the last minute, and letting the house go to total sh*t. In fact, there is a half deflated air mattress in our den that has been there for seven days. We forgot to pull the garbage to the curb. Jason has no clean boxers. Truman can't find his baby doll.

And for some reason, it feels great.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who has two thumbs and can climb like a champ?

This guy!
This guy has also been heard saying the following:
Me: Truman, do you want me to sing you a song? Tru: I want a BIG song! A big big big song! (we still haven't found a song that is big enough for his liking)
Me: If you don't wake mommy up for the whole night, I will give you a special prize. Tru: Go to an even bigger playground? (way to aim high little buddy)
Me: Does grandma give you time-outs? Tru: [bewildered look] NO!
Truman: I caught a BIG salmon. A big big salmon. And I put it on the grill.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Letter to Truman, 2.5 years old

Dear Truman,

You are a gift.  At 2.5 years old, you are kind, gentle, enthusiastic, and a good friend.  You love other kids and you always jump in with the big kids.  You love being with your cousins, especially Andrew.  Your best friend in the whole world is your Grandma.  Grandma would doing anything for you.  You are just learning to enjoy the water and you can cast a fishing rod 18 feet.  You always point out "motorcycle ladies" to me.  You are nuts about diggers, horses, boats, bunnies, birds, and doing big jumps.

This week, for the first time, you said to me, "Why?"  And suddenly there is this non stop beautiful chatter in the house.  You also started to say, "I love you."  Mostly to your Daddy.  Often with no prompting, just because you burst with love for your Daddy.

We love watching you grow!

Love, Mama

Monday, September 3, 2012

My college roomies

A little older. A little wiser. Still getting into trouble together and making each other laugh. I love my college roomies and I am so glad we make a point to be in each other's lives.