On Tuesday, June 4th, my due date, I saw our
midwife Cindie. At the end of the appointment she asked me if I wanted to make
another appointment or if I wanted to just go ahead and have
the baby. I smiled, “I’ll just have the baby.”
At this point, the house was properly cleaned and organized.
Jason had his “Tip Sheet” that included advice like, “Don’t eat ferry chowder
while I am in labor.” I was huge and we were ready.
On Wednesday, I started to have some light, easy contractions
in the afternoon. I picked up Truman from preschool and took him to the fire
station to distract ourselves. The firemen generously showed him all the trucks
and turned on the lights for him. Then we went to the fabric store and the
candy store: Our last outing before baby.
We picked up Jason in town and I told him I was having very easy
contractions. No cause for alarm! This could take days! This could be false
labor! We headed home to finish packing
and eat dinner. I made Greek soup and I while I was serving it up I had to
sit on my yoga ball to get through each contraction. I emailed our midwife to
give her a heads up and we decided to head to Seattle regardless. Truman was ecstatic
to learn about an unplanned sleepover at Grandma and Pop Pop’s house. Jason
cleaned up the dinner dishes while I packed a few last things.
We drove to the ferry and while we paid the toll I was still
and calm. If the crew sees that you are in active labor they can turn you away.
The contractions started to pick up and I snapped at Jason to take Truman out
of the car. I put on my Ipod and listened to a meditation CD.
We were on the 7:10 boat and Jason and Truman went upstairs
while I worked through each contraction. I looked out at the Seattle skyline,
just like I did when we made this trip during Truman’s labor. Jason told me
later that he took Truman outside and suggested saying a prayer
for baby brother. Unprompted Truman sang:
All will be well. All will be well.
And all manner of things will be well. Be well.
Jason was juggling Truman, managing the phone calls to my
parents and the midwife, and was flying down I-5 with a very cranky woman. I
owe him so much credit – he was calm, cool, and drove like an expert.
I turned up the I-pod full blast and started singing through
each contraction. In between contractions, I would queue up a good song with a
good beat and during the contraction I was literally YELLING the lyrics. I am
terribly out of tune on a good day, so Truman and Jason suffered through. For
some of the contractions I could stay ahead of the pain by concentrating on the
beat. But sometimes I would lose it. I remember looking down at my feet as we
rounded Lake Washington. My toes were shaking – there was no relief. I kept
asking myself, “Why the hell am I doing this? How much longer can I do this?”
I leaned into Jason’s shoulder, desperate for comfort. I almost asked him to
pull over and let me labor on the side of the road for a few minutes, but we were
so close.
Poor Truman was doing fine, but I did hear him ask, “Why is
mommy singing like that?”
When we got to my parents house I jumped out of the car and
into the grass. I had a contraction while on all fours and it felt so amazing
to be free from the sitting position. Truman gave me a kiss goodbye and my mom
came out to tell me she loved me. She later told me that she called my sister
and said, “Either she is not handling the pain or she is about to have that
baby.” Tru was happy to be with Grandma and Pop Pop and didn’t seem to notice
what was going on.
I tried to talk Jason into staying at my parent’s house for
a bit longer. He was anxious to get to the birth center. I said, “This is
called early labor. Let’s stay here and work for awhile”
Nope. Get in the car.
The birth center was only a few minutes away. When we
arrived the hot water was running into the soaking tub. Katrina, our midwife,
was smiling and upbeat as always. I grabbed her arm. “I know this is early
labor. I know you are going to send me home. It seems like I am in a lot of
pain but it is only because the car is so awful.”
She nodded her head and said, “I don’t think we are going
anywhere.” I had a contraction on the bed and Jason squeezed my hips together.
Then Katrina checked me. It took forever and I was thinking – Oh God, she can’t
find my cervix. I braced myself for discouraging news. “You are an 8!”
I couldn’t believe it. I was smiling and encouraged. I got
into the tub and it was HOT. I didn’t want to let on that it was so hot because
it was such relief on my back muscles. Katrina monitored Desmond and he was
responding just fine to the water.
Jason raced around grabbing the camera, juice, and water.
Again, there were times when I stayed ahead of the pain, and other times when I
would lose it. There was a moment when I realized that no one could rescue me.
It was just me and Desmond and I might as well stay calm. Each contraction was
not nearly as painful as my own fear of each contraction. And very soon I
started to feel the baby move down my body.
Katrina came and sat by the tub and we chatted in between
each contraction. I started to actively push because it relieved the pain. I reached
down and felt Desmond’s head and then it tucked back inside again. A moment
later his head was out and the birth assistant (Sally) yelled, “I’ve got a
head!” (Which was an awesome and funny moment.) Katrina told me to hold off on
pushing until the next contraction, so I did. One more push. He came into the
water in the caul (the amniotic sac still intact). Being born in the caul is a said
to be a special blessing and a sign of a protected life ahead. I reached down
and pulled him onto my chest while Katrina pulled away the amniotic sac. He
immediately started crying LOUD. Water babies are sometimes quiet because their
birth is so gentle, but not this bruiser. He was screaming. We stayed in the
water for a long time. Everyone was ecstatic. When I was ready to get out of
the tub, Jason cut the cord.
Four hours and twenty minutes of active labor and 18 minutes
of pushing.
Desmond Oren Shutt – Named after his Irish roots (Desmond)
and his Grandpa Mel (Melvin Oren Shutt). Born on a quiet night after a
beautiful sunset.
9.1 pounds and 21.25 inches.
He rounds out our family. He sleeps like a champ. He looks
just like his big brother did at one-day old.
And again my cup runs over. I have to pause and thank the
universe and thank God and after all of that I am still left baffled by the
gifts of Jason, Truman, and Desmond. Baffled at my luck.
Welcome Des.
Leaving the house - all smiles |
Resting after labor |
Katrina and Sally |
Sweet Des |